If you are a new employee, please complete the New Account Request Form.

If you are a supervisor in charge of hiring, please fill out the Network Access Form for your new employee.

Once we have both the New Account Request and Network Access Forms, the new employee's account will be created within 24 hours.

Supervisors, please reach out to IT to schedule your employee's IT Orientation on their first day at Bushnell.

To open a new ticket, go to https://helpdesk.bushnell.edu/open.php

Log into Bushnell Help Desk Ticket System to respond, update, or check on your ticket status.

Or submit tickets via phone or email:

Phone: 541-684-7272

Email: helpticket@bushnell.edu


Fennell House

1125 Alder St, Eugene, OR 97401


Monday - Thursday

7:45AM - 6:15PM (Closed during Tuesdays Chapel)


7:45AM - 5PM


Account issues - MyBushnell, Outlook, Multifactor Authentication, BeaconLearning, Microsoft Office 365

Bushnell Wi-Fi connection issues, Student computer troubleshooting, and more.