In accordance with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR 46), Bushnell University assumes oversight of the protection of the rights and welfare of human participants who participate in research conducted by faculty, staff, students, or community members.
Bushnell University maintains an Institutional Review Board (IRB) competent to review research, ethics training, and other protocols involving human participants to evaluate risk, amelioration of potential risk, and ethical consideration of behalf of human participants.
It is the function of the IRB to (1) determine and certify that all projects reviewed by the IRB conform to the regulations and policies set forth regarding the health, welfare, safety, rights, and privileges of human participants; and (2) assist investigators in complying with regulations. To this effect, the IRB establishes policies and procedures to govern research involving human participants.
The IRB aims to provide a service to Bushnell University and the public by facilitating ethical treatment of research participants while at the same time supporting the investigator’s endeavor to advance knowledge.
The IRB is a five-person faculty committee composed of the following individuals: the Chair or Co-chairs, at least, one nonscientific faculty member, and one member not affiliated with the university.