IRB Application Submission Due 

Full Board Review Meeting Date** 

September 12, 2024

September 26, 2024

October 10, 2024

October 24, 2024

November 7, 2024 November 21, 2024
Spring dates TBD  


Please note regarding SU24: 

Between May 15 - August 15, 2025, the IRB does NOT convene, nor does it process or review submissions, as board members are not on contract. All submissions must be made prior to summer within the Spring 2025 deadlines.


 **Full Board Review Meeting dates are subject to change 

If you have any questions about IRB, please send an email to

IRB Introduction

In accordance with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR 46), Bushnell University assumes oversight of the protection of the rights and welfare of human participants who participate in research conducted by faculty, staff, students, or community members.

Bushnell University maintains an Institutional Review Board (IRB) competent to review research, ethics training, and other protocols involving human participants to evaluate risk, amelioration of potential risk, and ethical consideration of behalf of human participants.

It is the function of the IRB to (1) determine and certify that all projects reviewed by the IRB conform to the regulations and policies set forth regarding the health, welfare, safety, rights, and privileges of human participants; and (2) assist investigators in complying with regulations. To this effect, the IRB establishes policies and procedures to govern research involving human participants.

The IRB aims to provide a service to Bushnell University and the public by facilitating ethical treatment of research participants while at the same time supporting the investigator’s endeavor to advance knowledge.

The IRB is a five-person faculty committee composed of the following individuals: the Chair or Co-chairs, at least, one nonscientific faculty member, and one member not affiliated with the university.

IRB Certificate

Have a research project that requires IRB approval? Complete the IRB Human Participant Research course and include your completion certificate with your application. Click the link to the course above and click "enroll me" to begin. 


Title Description

This checklist is intended to assist investigators in determining if their activity is considered human participant research involving human participants and would therefore require IRB Review. If there is any doubt as to whether or not your activities would qualify as human participant research, please contact the Institutional Review Board at

The purpose of this application is to request a review of a project by the Institutional Review Board for proposed human participant research.

This form is to be used for requesting changes to an IRB approved research project. 

Faculty advisors of student research must attest that they discussed the research with students, reviewed all required materials, and approve of the research. This document must be part of the student's Research Protocol for IRB Review submission.


Title Description

Please submit the completed Research Protocol for IRB Review and all required documents using this submission form.

Complete this form at the conclusion of your research.
